Interview with Mary-Jane Pettit, CEO of Pioneer FM
— 05 December 2024 by Marketing Pioneer FM
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Update your browser!— 05 December 2024 by Marketing Pioneer FM
Mary-Jane Pettit, founder and CEO of Pioneer FM, shares her experiences, insights, and lessons learned in the cleaning industry. From her early days inspired by family to navigating a business during a pandemic, Mary-Jane offers a mix of wisdom and humour as she reflects on the evolution of cleaning services.
"I fell into it, really. My mum was a cleaning operative, and I needed to earn money. One thing led to another, and here we are."
"I remember when we were called cleaners and paid in brown envelopes. I didn’t know what COSHH was or a microfibre cloth! Bleach was the chemical of choice, there was no PPE, and our hands were red raw by the end of a shift. Floors across the UK were beautifully maintained back then—buffing machines were king! Smoking was even allowed on-site, which sounds crazy now.
It was a simpler time. We all socialised before shifts, had a cup of tea and a chat, and there was a strict three-strikes-and-you’re-out rule. If you didn’t show up for work, you were gone. Nowadays, it’s all about innovation, compliance, and efficiency. We’re not in Kansas anymore!"
"Definitely cobotics and smart buildings. Technology is transforming the way we work, and it’s only going to accelerate."
"Being the first cleaning company in the UK to deep clean government buildings during COVID. We provided hygiene stewards across the UK for HMRC and mobilised the IBF lorry parks—all while navigating a global pandemic. It was intense but incredibly rewarding."
"Sustainability is at the forefront of everything we do. We operate an all-electric fleet, use eco-friendly or chemical-free cleaning methods, rely on battery-operated machines, and provide bamboo uniforms. It’s all part of our commitment to the planet."
"Stick to your core business and don’t stretch yourself too thin. Focus and consistency are key."
"Pay the real living wage or above. Recognise hard work and reward it. This job is tough, and people deserve fair compensation and appreciation."
"I’d tell myself to found my company ten years earlier!"
"Cleaning is one of the oldest professions in the world, and that won’t change. What we can do is use technology to make it more efficient and effective while respecting the roots of the industry."
"A submarine hatch!"
"Vinegar, baking soda (not together!), and lemon. They’re natural, effective, and versatile—I’ve even considered using them on my commercial sites."
"That it’s easy and that cleaning companies make a fortune. Many clients don’t realise how tight our margins are. After paying the real living wage, covering insurance, equipment, uniforms, and management costs, there’s not much left. It’s not as simple as it looks!"
"The people. Every day is different, and I love the challenges and opportunities that come with this industry."
"Being thanked for actually cleaning their site. It seems basic, but it shows how much expectations matter."
"Don’t mix vinegar and baking soda—they cancel each other out and don’t clean effectively together!"
"All of them!"
"Maybe a lawyer, surgeon, or even an artist. Whatever it was, I’d have been busy!"